
There are 6 factions in The New Order sphere. Each faction has its own technologies & heroes of unique fighting skills.

Outer Six

A horde of alienated wolves

When the five forces including DOMINATIONS took the initiative, the remaining minor powers rapidly diminished. The six minor powers in the West Coast region were the largest, and they were called the Outer Six. It is a very underdeveloped area economically, with poor security due to a lack of political system. Several criminal organizations have engaged in smuggling, robbery, and piracy, called Renegades. Due to the nature of the area, it has become a headache for the forces of Inner Five as it is where several roads, rivers, and seas connect.


Pioneers of dimension tech

Instead of going to war to obtain scarce resources, the pioneers of multidimensional technology pioneered an unknown realm beyond the dimension, subspace. Thanks to this science and technology called space-time engineering, they achieved independent growth without much friction with other forces. Numerous sacrifices have been made so far by its unstable nature. They hold a memorial service every year by making a graveyard for those who have not returned, in subspace. Their space compression bag made using space-time engineering is a device that all adventurers want to have.

Volta Potensia

Land of eternal light

Thanks to the abundance of energy resources in their region, they were able to quietly build up their strength by hiding underground. As their power increases with the integration of nearby minor powers, other small groups have been scrambling to propose alliances with them. They have succeeded in making their allies dependent on them, supplying energy, sometimes expensively, sometimes cheaply. They are building a secret weapon with the enormous wealth accumulated from their energy business.


A poisonous desert oasis

In a world of violence, their agricultural prowess and the waters of their lakes make them coveted by other factions. The citizens of BIOASIS have found ways to defend themselves using bio-science. Although relatively small compared to other factions, they are as menacing as the scorpions of the desert, equipped with bodies that have evolved bio armor and carbonized skeletons, as well as pathogenic bullets and nerve gas bombs. Recently, efforts have been made to strengthen information warfare capabilities through brainwashing techniques.


A warlord group of advanced weapons and mercenaries

An association of companies belonging to the military-industrial complex. In the midst of disorder and chaos, several companies became warlord groups, starting with the hiring of mercenaries to protect their factories. Currently, the main source of revenue is renting weapons and mercenaries to other forces.

Even now, adventurous young people seeking money and fame are eager to join MILIFRONTIERS.


Federal republic pursuing a world government

A federation of city-states united around a city called Central. By restoring lost technologies, they became the strongest force in the region, gradually absorbing and integrating any surrounding forces.

Conquering the entire world is not the goal of the Domination Federation. To reclaim lost culture and humanity, the Federation will fight against barbarianism, madness, and the chaos that prevails in the world. The struggle of domination continues until the day the world is fully restored to order.

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